The Story of an
Ancient Family
Torre degli Alberi is a small town inside a 14th-century tower, which has always belonged to the Dal Vermes, an ancient noble family. Originally from Verona, where they distinguished themselves as condottieri, the Dal Vermes moved to Lombardy in the second half of the 14th century in the service of the Viscontis. They were rewarded for their loyalty with the landed estate of Oltrepò Pavese, which once covered the area between Voghera, Bobbio and the Tidone Valley.
Torre degli Alberi, which was first a garrison with a view of the Zavattarello castle, became the 19th century residence of the family. The land was worked by sharecroppers who cultivated grain, fodder and grapevines, until after the war when Luchino, who was also active in the Partisan insurgency, integrated the agricultural production with animal husbandry. This enterprise stood out immediately for its innovative poultry- and cattle-raising techniques.
Management of the farm has now passed to his son Camillo and his nephew Filippo, who have expanded it into new activities, including growing grapes.